For landowners interested in pursuing conservation:
The Conserving Your Land booklet published by the NH Land Trust Coalition and the UNH Cooperative Extension is an excellent resource for those looking to learn about conservation options in more detail. Download the PDF or visit our office and pick up a physical copy.
The Land Trust Alliance also provides information for landowners seeking to learn more about conservation easements or other land protection options.
Our local land trust partners - SELT, the Forest Society, and Moose Mountains Regional Greenways - are always excellent sources of information.
You can learn more about what has motivated other landowners to conserve their land with Bear-Paw on our Why Conserve? page. For more information on the ins and outs of conservation easements, visit our Conservation FAQs page.
For landowners seeking professional help with land conservation or management:
Search for a licensed real estate appraiser with the NH Online Licensing site.
A comprehensive list of New Hampshire licensed foresters is available from the UNH Cooperative Extension Directory.